Still Thinking To learn JavaScript ?? Start With Me Now


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Still Thinking To learn JavaScript ?? Start With Me Now


What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language used to make webpage interactive.

You must be thinking ๐Ÿค” about what object-oriented or scripting means. okay so let's understand โœจ

Object-oriented programming: It is a programming paradigm ( an approach to solve a problem with the help of some programming languages ) based on the concept of "objects", which can contain data and code: data in the form of fields ( as attributes or properties), and code, in the form of procedures ( as methods).

Scripting Language is basically a language where instructions are written for a run-time environment. They are usually interpreted at run time rather the compiled.

History of javaScript

Before 1995, web pages could only be static, it lacks the capability for dynamic behaviour often the pages were loaded in the browser. There was a demand in the fast-growing web development field to remove these limitations. So in 1995 Brenda Eich

Brendan_Eich.jpg was hired to come up with a new language with syntax similar to java. The new language and interpreted implementation were called LiveScript but shortly changed to JavaScript in December 1995.

Many of you might be thinking why it is called "JavaScript" when it is not at all similar to Java

I also thought the same when heard for the first time. The reason is simple that Java was the hot new programming language at that time and they thought it would create a good impact on the newly invented language.

Now Let's dive into the topic .


Datatype is a category of data representing in distinct way to differentiate between each other. It is divided into two :

  1. Primitive datatype : It includes
    • Numbers ( Integers , Floats )
    • Strings ( Any data under single quote , double quote , or backtick quote )
    • Booleans ( True or False value )
    • Null ( Empty or no value )
    • Undefined ( A declared variable without a value )
  1. Non-primitive datatype : It includes

    • Objects
    • Functions
    • Arrays

Let's Understand with the help of examples

Examples of primitive datatype

 var length = 16;                        // number
 var firstName = "Aditi";              // string
 console.log( 4> 2 );                   // boolean 
 var x = null;
  x;                                    // null 
  var num ;                             // undefined

Examples of non-primitive datatype

let obj1 = {                       // object

function a(){                      // function


var arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ];    // array

Time For The Test : check the data type of a certain variable

let firstName = 'Sumit';     
let lastName = 'Kumar';       
let country = 'India';    
let city = 'Patna';         
let age = 20;                 
let job;

Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰You Have Started Your Journey with one of the most demanding languages JavaScript.

Here are some resources which you can follow


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